Dos RossouwNov 18, 20191 minGo Quickly!Natural disaster rescue and relief efforts brings out the best in humanity.
Dos RossouwNov 15, 20191 minNational SinsI asked a local pastor in Zimbabwe what were the national sins. He answered me quickly: idolatry, corruption (greed), and fornication.
Dos RossouwNov 12, 20191 minWater of LifeThis well was donated by Samaritan Servants International. The water is FREE to all in this community.
Dos RossouwNov 7, 20191 minBetter TogetherI have experienced that when born again believers meet, in remote and lonely places on the mission field, that fellowship is so instant and
Dos RossouwNov 6, 20192 min"Silver & Gold & Such" "Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."...
Dos RossouwNov 6, 20191 min"Teach them diligently..."Project Zukwe will include visiting nearby schools. Our goal is to visit at least 6 schools, devoting a full day at each.
Dos RossouwNov 6, 20193 min20 Years in Zambia Have you thought what it would be like to leave your home, move to another country for the purpose of ministry and live mostly...