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Writer's pictureDos Rossouw

"Teach them diligently..."

One of the avenues of evangelism is the opportunity to spend time at schools in foreign countries. Project Zukwe will include visiting nearby schools. Our goal is to visit at least 6 schools, devoting a full day at each.

Our evangelism team will first spend time with the school principals and teachers. We then plan to teach students from class room to classroom followed by time with them during recess - playing and making friends. We also will bring food with us, to make sure that everyone gets lunch. After more classroom time, sitting in and just observing and praying for the youth, we will conduct a general assembly where the Gospel will be clearly presented. Bibles and study helps will be presented and contact information will be exchanged with the staff to provide them with continued encouragement and prayer.

Please pray for these efforts, that doors will be open and that the Holy Spirit would have free course. Of course, this effort goes on while we are building the church meeting place, overseeing the water well construction, distributing food and conducting intensive doctrinal lectures. We have only 10 days and #itsaboutpeople.


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