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Project Mulobezi
Image by Parij Borgohain

Project Kothuru

The needs in his community are many.  However, clean water would help solve many of their daily challenges.  A well near the church property would provide water for more than 300 families.  The nearby child-care facility would use the clean water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.  The community of believers would be responsible to maintain the well. The cost for the well is $2,100.  Any additional funds that come in for this project will be used towards food for nomadic families who are begging for food in this area. An SSI team will travel to this community at the earliest possible opportunity, but we cannot wait to send the funds to complete the well project.

Project Profile:

Project Lead: Dos Rossouw

Location: Kothuru, India

Needs: Water well & food relief

Funds Needed: $2100

Date: December 2020

Stay up to date with Project Kothuru.

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